Archive for the Billie Piper Category

Love and Monsters – Episode Guide

Posted in 10th Doctor, Billie Piper, David Tennant, New Series, New Series Season 2, Rose Tyler with tags , , , , , on April 2, 2009 by Mr M



A young man runs across a barren industrial field, and emerges near a large warehouse to see a tall blue police box standing alone. As if he recognises it he reaches out to touch the door but as he does he hears a scream from inside the warehouse, a young girl calling out to a man called the Doctor; telling him to look out.

He runs inside to hear the voices of both the Doctor and the young girl calling out to each other in order to find something. The young man runs to try and find them and emerges in a long corridor with a door at one end. Slowly he approaches as he hears a clanging sound coming from inside. He reaches for the handle and pulls it open, revealing a huge snarling beast behind.

Sometime later, present day: the young man is sitting before a camcorder, imitating what happened when he opened the door some time before. He looks straight into the camera and tells his would be audience that if they thought that was the most exciting day of his life, then wait to hear the rest. “Oh boy.” Continue reading

New Earth – Episode Guide

Posted in 10th Doctor, Billie Piper, David Tennant, Episode Guides, Jackie Tyler, Lady Cassandra, Mickey Smith, New Series, New Series Season 2, Rose Tyler, The Face of Boe with tags , , , , , , , on April 2, 2009 by Mr M



Whilst the Doctor enters the TARDIS and begins to activate various controls, Rose remains outside to bid farewell to Jackie and Mickey. Soon she joins her friend inside the craft and in no time at all they are spinning through the time vortex. When Rose enquires as to where they are going, the Doctor explains excitedly:

“Further than we’ve ever gone before” Continue reading

Tooth and Claw – Episode Guide

Posted in 10th Doctor, Billie Piper, David Tennant, Episode Guides, New Series, New Series Season 2, Rose Tyler, Torchwood with tags , , , , , , on April 2, 2009 by Mr M


On a windy hillside a procession of monks advance towards a stately home, pulling with them a large carriage. When they arrive at the residence the servants meet them with a frosty reception, and after the Steward dismisses their demands for the house to be given to them, a fight ensues.

Soon the household is invaded and the rest of the servants are rounded up and thrown in the cellar, where the content of the carriage is being held. Father Angelo, the leader of the monks, enters and prays that God has mercy on his soul for what he is about to do. He removes the cloth covering the cage before him and the servants scream in terror… Continue reading

School Reunion – Episode Guide

Posted in 10th Doctor, Billie Piper, David Tennant, Elizabeth Sladen, Episode Guides, K9, Krillitane, Mickey Smith, New Series, New Series Season 2, Rose Tyler, Sarah Jane Smith with tags , , , , , , , , , on April 2, 2009 by Mr M


Headmaster Finch walks the staircases and corridors of his school, before approaching his office only to find a young girl sitting outside. She explains that she is ill with a headache and Matron has sent her to see him. He asks why she cannot just go home and she explains she lives in Ambrose Hall, the local orphanage. He sympathises and ushers her inside his office. It’s nearly time for lunch. As he closes the door he takes a peek back outside before closing it completely. The shadows through the frosted glass window shift and change, as the girl lets out a scream.

Elsewhere in the schoolchildren are rushing to lessons at the sound of the bell. Some of them pile into a science lab, followed by their teacher. He walks to his desk and sets down his bag before greeting his students. It’s the Doctor. Continue reading

The Rise of the Cybermen – Episode Guide

Posted in 10th Doctor, Billie Piper, Cybermen, David Tennant, Episode Guides, Jackie Tyler, Mickey Smith, New Series, New Series Season 2, Rose Tyler with tags , , , , , , , on April 2, 2009 by Mr M


In a laboratory in a place unknown, a blinding light silhouettes a robotic figure amongst the pieces of machinery. A scientist working in the lab informs his superior that ‘it’ is working. The other man, seated in the shadows, explains that that is not the correct terminology. He moves forward on a large motorised wheel chair and tells him: this is not a machine. The scientist corrects himself. It’s alive.

The man in the chair asks if the creature can hear him. The scientist explains that it may be in a state of shock; the brain has been welded to the exoskeleton. The seated man marvels at his new creation: skin of metal, and a body that will never age. He envies it. He turns to face it and asks if it knows him. He orders it to answer and asks again. Slowly the creature answers, he is John Lumic. Lumic marvels at what stands before him, his child. It is ready, he tells his friend Dr Kendrick to mark this day, that are blessed.

Yet Kendrick explains this is a new form of life and they must inform Geneva of it’s existence, it contravenes the Bio-Convention. They must ratify it. However Lumic knows they will never allow this creature life, and decides he shall not apply to ratification. Kendrick apologises but it is his duty to inform them. Lumic stares at him and asks how he shall do that from beyond the grave. Kendrick does not understand, but it is too late to escapes. The hazy shape of the creature has crept up behind him and on Lumic’s orders it reaches for Kendrick’s neck, electrocuting him. He writhes in agony and falls to the ground.

Lumic turns away and activates a communication link. He calls for his captain to contact all staff and explain they have a new destination. “Set sail for Great Britain.” Continue reading

The Age of Steel – Episode Guide

Posted in 10th Doctor, Billie Piper, Cybermen, David Tennant, Episode Guides, Jackie Tyler, Mickey Smith, New Series, New Series Season 2, Rose Tyler with tags , , , , , , , , on April 2, 2009 by Mr M


As the Cybermen prepare to attack the Doctor pulls a glowing orb from his pocket. He aims it at the steel warriors and immediately a beam of energy flies out at them. They are each hit by the beam and begin to disintegrate. The group of hostages begin to run and are saved by Mrs Moore, in the blue van belonging to the Preachers.

They begin to climb inside but Pete makes a break for the house. The Doctor stops him but he protests that he must save Jackie. He reasons that anyone inside the house will be dead, and all he can do is to not let her die in vein. He runs back to the van and the Doctor joins him, stopping only to pull Rose away from the house, reminding her that the Jackie in this universe is not her mother. They join the others inside the van and they pull away, Mrs Moore screeching that she’s never seen such a slow getaway in her life. Continue reading

The Idiot’s Lantern – Episode Guide

Posted in 10th Doctor, Billie Piper, David Tennant, Episode Guides, New Series, New Series Season 2, Rose Tyler with tags , , , , , on April 2, 2009 by Mr M


It is late at night and a storm is brewing outside Mr Magpie’s electronics shop. He is sitting in the dark writing, whilst a television set stands in the corner, displaying a female newsreader addressing the camera. As she signs off, announcing that programming is over for the day, her image is replaced by the broadcaster logo. Magpie leans away from his work, solemnly announcing he is two hundred pounds overdrawn, he needs a miracle. He tears the page from his book and throws it away, as the national anthem rings out from the television set.

Elsewhere, in another house in the street a family are sitting around the radio. As the grandmother sits and listens, the mother sews and the young son reads a magazine. The father of the family enters, announced as the ‘lord and master’ by the grandmother. He announces to his wife Rita that he is going out and his son turns to show him the magazine. He whines that he has already told him they are not getting a television but when the young man protests that everyone in the street is getting one, he comments that they might get one for the coronation. He turns and leaves, as the grandmother tells her grandson that she has heard that television rots your brains, turns it to soup and makes it pour out of your ears.

The father walks through the rain outside, past Magpie’s shop, which is struck by the aerial with red lightening. Inside Magpie is slumped asleep on the table, as the television sounds bleeping in the background. With a shock of light the screen comes to life and the female announcer appears again, calling to him. He awakens and turns to see her, commenting that he must be dreaming. She tells him he isn’t and so he deduces that he must be going mad. She comforts him, telling him he is fine, and asks him if he is sitting comfortably. “Then we’ll begin”. Rope like tendrils of red light snap forward from the screen and grab his face, as his features become blurred, sucked away from his head the announcer laughs… Continue reading

The Impossible Planet – Episode Guide

Posted in 10th Doctor, Billie Piper, David Tennant, Episode Guides, New Series, New Series Season 2, Ood, Rose Tyler with tags , , , , on April 2, 2009 by Mr M


The TARDIS uneasily lands in a small metallic room. As the lights inside flicker the door opens and the Doctor and Rose emerge, the Time Lord commenting that the ship seems a bit queasy, as if it didn’t want to land. Rose suggests that if there is a sign of trouble they could get back in the TARDIS and leave. They both think for a second then laugh, mocking the idea. They calm down and the Doctor looks around, theorising that they have landed inside a cupboard.

He opens a large heavy door before him and steps out into a corridor. He notes that they are in some kind of base. He reels off a list of bases; moon base, sea base, space base; before commenting that these were all built out of kits. As he goes to open another door Rose looks around her and listens to the howling wind outside. She tells her friend that she’s glad they landed indoors; it sounds like a storm outside.

As they emerge in a long corridor they walk along, the Doctor explaining how humans tend to have a lust for kits; telling her that the base was put up like a flat-pack wardrobe only bigger. And easier.

After passing through another door into a large room full of tables and chairs, the Doctor realises that they are in a sanctuary base, used for deep space exploration. After realising they have flown right to the edge of the universe the Doctor notes there is a faint sound below them; someone is drilling.

Rose replies by saying, “welcome to hell”. The Doctor muses that it isn’t that bad but Rose laughs, explaining that it is written on the wall opposite. The Doctor turns to see the message scrawled across the wall, with lots of symbols scrawled underneath. He walks forward and crouches by the wall, claiming it odd that it won’t translate. Rose comments that she thought the TARDIS could translate writing as well as speech and that they should be seeing English. The Doctor concludes that if the writing will not be translated it must mean the text is old, very old, impossibly old.

He springs to his feet and tells Rose they must find out who is in charge. He begins to open another of the doors by turning a large wheel lock, like one from a submarine, to let them through. He explains that they have travelled beyond the TARDIS’ knowledge and that is not a good idea. He opens the door and he and Rose turn to the area behind it, where a group of aliens are waiting for them. They stand looking at the travellers through slit-like eyes inside a domed head fronted by tentacles for mouths. They are dressed in dark drapes and hold large glowing globes in their hands.

The Doctor greets them and comments on what a nice place the base is. The creature closest to them clicks on his globe, which glows and as he does so he tells them “we must feed”. Rose realises the creatures are talking about them and as the creatures begin to repeat the phrase the travellers run back to the door they came through, but more of the creatures are already walking through it, as well as the other doors leading into the room.

The Doctor takes out his sonic screwdriver and aims it at their attackers as Rose picks up a chair to fend the creatures off as they advance, chiming “we must feed”… Continue reading

The Satan Pit – Episode Guide

Posted in 10th Doctor, Billie Piper, David Tennant, Episode Guides, New Series, New Series Season 2, Ood, Rose Tyler with tags , , , , on April 2, 2009 by Mr M


As the Ood advance on Jefferson, Rose and the guard, the militant man opens fire with his machine gun, blasting the creatures before them whilst in the control room Zack realises the planet is stabilizing and closes the observation hatch above his head.

Now free to move Rose, Jefferson and the guard make their way back to a communication station where the young traveller tries to contact the Doctor and Ida, but the others cannot pay attention, something is trying to open the door behind them. It bursts open and a startled looking Danny enters, hastily locking the door behind him. Continue reading

Fear Her – Episode Guide

Posted in 10th Doctor, Billie Piper, Episode Guides, New Series, New Series Season 2, Rose Tyler with tags , , , on April 2, 2009 by Mr M


It is 2012 and in a bust London suburb people go about their everyday business; the postman delivers his letters, mothers push their prams and small boys kick a football about in the front garden of their house. Yet amidst this peaceful suburban life is an underlying threat, a young girl has gone missing and a poster asking for news of her whereabouts is tied to every lamppost.

From an upstairs window a young girl watches all that is going on and in the street and old woman pulling her shopping trolley stops in her tracks and looks all around her. A young woman asks the woman, called Maeve, if she is all right. She explains that she is not and after the young woman offers to phone a Doctor she explains that he will not be able to help. Again she looks around at the houses in the street and asks the young woman if she can feel ‘it’ too.

She tells her that she cannot as the old woman tells the boys playing football to get inside. As their father asks what is going on the old woman tells him it is happening again and the young woman she has just spoken to rushes inside her house, where upstairs her daughter sits silhouetted at the window. She goes inside as upstairs the young girls stands at the window singing the Kookaburra song. She watches one of the boys playing football and then goes to her desk and begins to draw.

Outside Maeve talks again to the boys’ father and tells him to get the boys inside, ‘it’ likes it when the children are outside, it’s what it wants, the boys are not safe. As she warns him the girl continues to draw at a frenzied pace, hr picture of the boy she saw outside.

The father begins to lead Maeve away but as he does so he turns to see the boy the girl was drawing has gone. Maeve calls out in horror as the father runs to the place the boy once stood on. Maeve calls out to some unknown entity and asks what it wants with the street’s children as the mother of the girl stands alone in her hallway and upstairs the girl completes her drawing of the now missing boy, which proceeds to begin to move, as if screaming out for help… Continue reading