Archive for the Riversong Category

Silence in the Library – Episode Guide

Posted in 10th Doctor, Catherine Tate, David Tennant, Donna Noble, DVD Release, iTunes, New Series, New Series Season 4, Riversong, Vashta Nerada with tags , , , , on October 23, 2008 by Mr M


The Doctor and Donna arrive in the 51st century at a planet-sized book repository simply called “The Library”, summoned by an anonymous request for help on the Doctor’s psychic paper. However, they find it completely devoid of humanoid life, and the Library’s computers even claim as such, though when the Doctor widens the search for non-humanoid life, the Library’s computers claim over “a million million lifeforms” exist. A Node, an information drone which presents a donated human face to the user to facilitate communication, warns them to count the shadows, which appear despite the lack of objects to cast them. As they try to search for answers, they meet a team of explorers, led by archaeologist River Song, who have come to ascertain the meaning of the Library’s final communication, which states “4022 saved, no survivors”.

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Forest of the Dead – Episode Guide

Posted in 10th Doctor, Catherine Tate, David Tennant, Donna Noble, DVD Release, iTunes, New Series, New Series Season 4, Riversong, Vashta Nerada with tags , , , on October 23, 2008 by Mr M


Immediately following the events of the previous episode, “Silence in the Library”, the Doctor and the exploration team manage to escape the Vashta Nerada by using River Song’s digitalising gun, and take refuge in a well-lit room. As they work out a plan, the Doctor is concerned about how he can trust River Song, so she whispers a single word in his ear which convinces him: his real name (the name is not revealed to the audience). Donna Noble finds herself at a care home named “CAL”, apparently two years later, with Dr Moon treating her. He introduces her to another man, Lee, and is later seen visiting the married Donna and her family. However, Donna keeps noticing that something is wrong; she seems to skip from one place to another instantaneously at a whim, only to be reminded of the journey by Dr Moon, who does this frequently by ending his sentences with “…and then you remembered/forgot”). Meanwhile, the little girl watches both the Doctor and Donna by switching channels on her television.

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